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Consortium Sign Up

Please Contact Us for custom plan and post paid monthly invoicing for companies with 40 plus active drivers/employees

Your subscription to our random drug testing consortium is valid for one year starting from your sign-up date, covering you for the full 12 months.

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Company Information


User must accept goMDnow consortium Agreement in order to continue
goMDnow provides Random Testing Consortium Service to manage your workload by making it affordable, easy, and rapid.
It is simply a three-step process to obtain a consortium enrollment certificate
  1. Sign up with goMDnow.
  2. Add driver in the goMDnow system
  3. Select goMDnow as designated C/TPA in FMSCA cleaning house
goMDnow will email your compliance certificate after these requirements are met.

It's the employer's responsibility to manage their drivers in goMDnow.
  • All active driver must be added in goMDnow for consortium program
  • Make the driver “Inactive” if the driver is no longer working for you. (Do not delete the driver)
  • DOT Pre-Employment drug test is required to make drive "Active" in the pool

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goMDnow Random Testing Consortium operates in strict compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation's regulations for workplace drug and alcohol testing programs (49 CFR Part 40). This regulation sets forth specific standards for specimen collection, laboratory testing, medical review officer (MRO) processes, and recordkeeping. By becoming a member of our random consortium, your company’s drug testing program will be in line with federal regulations.

When enrolling in the DOT Random Testing Consortium, it’s essential to know that one of the FMCSA’s and FAA key regulations is the pre-employment drug test. Every new owner operator and driver must test negative for pre-employment drug test before they can be included in the consortium’s pool, ensuring your company meets FMCSA standards.

  • Get Immediate Compliance Certificate
  • Active Drivers Report
  • Only Pay for Tests you Order
  • No Cost for Adding Drivers in Random Testing Pool
  • Access to over 20,000 Collection Centers
  • Get Drug & Alcohol Policy Manual for Free
  • MRO Approved Test Results
  • DOT Compliant Process
  • Online Reporting and Recordkeeping